I am a Holistic Healer with a decade of professional experience who uses Intuitive Spiritual Consulting, Health & Wellness Consulting, and my exclusive Channeled Alchemical Energy Healing modality to provide the opportunity for a transformative HOLISTIC healing experience.
I had been providing intuitive consultations for friends, family, and many others for several years and, in 2013, I came to realize that it is a part of my life's purpose and my greatest joy and bliss to help others in such a deep and impactful way, and this began my Intuitive Spiritual Consulting business! I later decided to receive formal training to affirm, hone, and solidify the techniques I was innately using, aside from my intuition.
At the end of 2013, after self-studying nutrition and herbalism since the 7th grade, I began my formal studies and received my Holistic Health Practitioner Certification in 2014. I have since also received my NBHWC-accredited Health and Wellness Coach certification and am currently working on my Nutrition Coach certification. Living a healthful and balanced lifestyle has always been a passion of mine!
I was humbly endowed with my unique energetic healing modality in 2013. It's a long and bizarre story as to how I came to channel a Seraph Angel, who calls himself "Ian" (the Seraphim are the highest angelic order underneath Source/God and Elohim), and the Ascended Master, Quan Yin (the Buddhist goddess of compassion and mercy), but I can tell you that it was truly one of the weirdest and most truly AWESOME experiences of my life and, to this day, it still blows my mind. I created a video that I embedded below that provides the full story of how I came to be a channeler that I invite you to watch to learn more! I have since studied, and became certified in, various other modalities so I can better understand my own, such as Pranic Healing , Angelic Healing, and several forms of Reiki.
After experiencing my own benefits (physical, mental, and spiritual) from utilizing certain breathing and meditation techniques that Ian would do through me or guide me to do, I decided to pursue training in these areas so I can pass on these benefits to my clients!
I continue to study new techniques and modalities so that I can better serve my clients.
At the end of 2013, after self-studying nutrition and herbalism since the 7th grade, I began my formal studies and received my Holistic Health Practitioner Certification in 2014. I have since also received my NBHWC-accredited Health and Wellness Coach certification and am currently working on my Nutrition Coach certification. Living a healthful and balanced lifestyle has always been a passion of mine!
I was humbly endowed with my unique energetic healing modality in 2013. It's a long and bizarre story as to how I came to channel a Seraph Angel, who calls himself "Ian" (the Seraphim are the highest angelic order underneath Source/God and Elohim), and the Ascended Master, Quan Yin (the Buddhist goddess of compassion and mercy), but I can tell you that it was truly one of the weirdest and most truly AWESOME experiences of my life and, to this day, it still blows my mind. I created a video that I embedded below that provides the full story of how I came to be a channeler that I invite you to watch to learn more! I have since studied, and became certified in, various other modalities so I can better understand my own, such as Pranic Healing , Angelic Healing, and several forms of Reiki.
After experiencing my own benefits (physical, mental, and spiritual) from utilizing certain breathing and meditation techniques that Ian would do through me or guide me to do, I decided to pursue training in these areas so I can pass on these benefits to my clients!
I continue to study new techniques and modalities so that I can better serve my clients.